Resveratrol: What is it?

Resveratrol: What is it?

Resveratrol is a natural compound found in many plants, renowned for its potential health benefits. But what exactly makes resveratrol so prized in the world of medicine and supplementation?

Belonging to the group of polyphenols called stilbenes, resveratrol plays a role in defending plants against pathogens like bacteria and fungi. Its antioxidant and health-promoting properties have captured the attention of scientists and consumers worldwide, making it a subject of numerous studies in health and longevity.

Why is resveratrol so valued?

Resveratrol has gained fame primarily through research suggesting it can mimic the effects of caloric restriction, a known method for extending life in many species. Moreover, its ability to combat free radicals, reduce inflammation, and potentially offer benefits in improving heart health and preventing certain types of cancer make it a promising component of dietary supplements.

Where is resveratrol found?

Naturally occurring in the skins of red grapes, berries (such as blueberries and raspberries), nuts (especially pecans and pistachios), as well as in cocoa and dark chocolate, resveratrol has, however, gained the most popularity due to its presence in red wine. This is often associated with the "French Paradox" - the low incidence of heart disease among the French, despite a diet rich in saturated fats, attributed to the consumption of red wine.

Resveratrol characteristics: Where does this powerful antioxidant come from?

Resveratrol is a polyphenolic compound produced by plants in response to stress, pathogen attack, or exposure to UV radiation. Its natural sources are primarily the skins of red grapes, berries (including blueberries, raspberries, and chokeberries), nuts (especially pecans and pistachios), as well as cocoa and dark chocolate. Its presence in grapes, and consequently in red wine, has contributed to the increased interest in resveratrol in the context of its potential health benefits.

For supplement production, resveratrol is mainly obtained from grape extracts and the plant known as Japanese knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum), one of the richest known sources of this compound. The extraction process of resveratrol from plants enables the concentration of the active ingredient, which is crucial for the effectiveness of dietary supplements containing this antioxidant.

Due to its unique ability to counteract many disease-causing factors, resveratrol has been the subject of intensive scientific research. Interest in this compound spans a wide range of potential applications, from supporting heart and circulatory system health, through protection against certain forms of cancer, to possible anti-aging effects and metabolic improvement. This versatility makes resveratrol one of the most promising natural ingredients in the field of supplementation and preventive medicine.

Resveratrol benefits: Why should you use it?

The scientifically confirmed benefits of regular resveratrol use are impressive and varied, making it a valuable component in daily diets or as a supplement. Resveratrol is primarily known for its antioxidant properties, which help neutralize harmful free radicals, thereby reducing oxidative stress in the body. This ability to protect cells from damage contributes to improved overall health and may delay the aging processes.

Moreover, studies indicate that resveratrol may have a positive effect on heart health by supporting the elasticity of blood vessels, lowering blood pressure, and reducing the levels of bad LDL cholesterol. These cardio-protective effects can significantly reduce the risk of heart diseases and heart attacks.

Another area where resveratrol shows promising action is in supporting the immune system. By modulating the immune response, it can help protect the body against various pathogens and inflammatory conditions. Additionally, it is attributed potential anti-cancer effects, although further research is needed to fully understand this mechanism.

In terms of metabolic health, resveratrol may also improve insulin sensitivity and blood sugar control, which is crucial for individuals dealing with insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes.

Dietary sources of resveratrol: Can it be found in your diet?

Resveratrol is not only available in supplement form but can also be consumed as part of a daily diet by choosing the right foods. Although the amounts of resveratrol in foods may be lower than those available in supplements, regularly incorporating sources of this compound into the diet can contribute to health benefits.

Red wine is most commonly associated with resveratrol, thanks to the grape skins from which the wine is made. The amount of resveratrol in red wine can vary depending on the type of grapes, the region where they were grown, and the winemaking techniques. On average, a glass of red wine may contain between 0.2 to 2 mg of resveratrol.

Dark grapes are another rich source of this compound, especially their skins. Therefore, eating fresh grapes can be one of the simple ways to increase resveratrol intake.

Resveratrol in cosmetics: What are its applications?

Resveratrol has found its place not only in dietary supplements but also in the cosmetic industry, thanks to its unique antioxidant properties and beneficial effects on the skin. Its inclusion in cosmetics answers the growing demand for active ingredients that can combat signs of aging and improve the overall condition of the skin.

Antioxidant and anti-aging effects

One of the primary advantages of resveratrol in cosmetics is its potent antioxidant capacity. It neutralizes free radicals generated in the skin due to UV radiation, pollution, or oxidative stress, which can prevent cellular damage and slow down aging processes. Regular use of products containing resveratrol can contribute to reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, improving skin elasticity and firmness.

Improving skin barrier functions

Resveratrol also aids in the regeneration of the skin's lipid barrier, crucial for maintaining proper hydration levels and protection against harmful external factors. This ingredient enables cosmetics to more effectively prevent water loss, resulting in better-hydrated, softer, and smoother skin.

Anti-inflammatory action and sebum production regulation

Furthermore, resveratrol exhibits anti-inflammatory properties, beneficial for sensitive skin prone to redness or acne. It can help reduce inflammation and soothe irritations. Additionally, some studies suggest it may regulate sebum production, beneficial for those with oily and combination skin, reducing the risk of imperfections.

Expert summary

Resveratrol's antioxidant action is one of its most appreciated properties. Free radicals are major factors accelerating aging processes and contributing to the development of many chronic diseases, including heart diseases and cancers. As a strong antioxidant, resveratrol helps neutralize free radicals, thus reducing oxidative stress in the body and protecting cells from damage.

Moreover, studies have shown that resveratrol may have a beneficial impact on heart health. By improving the elasticity of blood vessels and lowering levels of bad LDL cholesterol, resveratrol contributes to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, crucial in the global fight against these conditions.

Resveratrol also exhibits anti-inflammatory properties, particularly relevant in the context of inflammatory diseases such as various forms of arthritis or autoimmune diseases. Its ability to modulate the immune response can help alleviate symptoms of these conditions, offering relief to many patients.

Additionally, potential benefits of resveratrol in the prevention and support of treatment for certain types of cancers cannot be overlooked. Its actions may influence the inhibition of cancer cell growth and induce apoptosis, opening new perspectives in research on effective methods to combat cancer.

In dermatology, resveratrol is used in cosmetics as an anti-aging ingredient, thanks to its antioxidant and regenerative properties. It can contribute to improving the appearance of the skin, its firmness, and elasticity, directly impacting a younger look and healthier complexion.

The distinctive approach of Dr. Ivana Stanković's cosmetics

While resveratrol is celebrated for its numerous benefits and is a popular ingredient in many skincare products, it's important to note that Dr. Ivana Stanković's cosmetics line takes a different, yet equally innovative approach. Instead of resveratrol, Dr. Ivana Stanković's products feature a unique natural complex known as StemRepair.

Science meets nature: The StemRepair complex

The StemRepair complex is an active extract blend derived from Swiss green apples, Plantago lanceolata (English plantain), Centella asiatica (Gotu kola), and Leontopodium alpinum (Edelweiss), known for their effective soothing properties. This blend addresses skin irritation, redness, inflammation, and enhances the skin's protective barrier. The uniqueness of the StemRepair complex is enriched with naturally occurring skin lipids (Ceramide NP, squalene), amino acids, trehalose, allantoin, and D-panthenol, further strengthening its soothing, moisturizing, and regenerative properties. The regenerating post-procedure Repair cream is fortified with extracts from arnica, vitamin E, and shea butter. Additionally, the soothing cleansing foam includes a natural and 100% biodegradable cleansing ingredient that is highly compatible with the skin, ensuring cleansing without causing irritation. The carefully selected ingredients, encapsulated in comfortable formulas, act like a comforting dressing for the skin post-procedures, and as the best dose of soothing, hydration, and smoothing in daily care.

This emphasis on a specialized blend that combines the healing powers of nature with scientific innovation reflects Dr. Ivana Stanković's commitment to offering skincare solutions that are both effective and gentle on the skin. Although resveratrol is not included in Dr. Ivana Stanković's cosmetics, the introduction of the StemRepair complex showcases a dedication to harnessing potent natural ingredients that offer complementary benefits for skin health and recovery.